Admiralty Law
Patrick Ward& Co. is proud to act on behalf of the International Transport Workers Federation in Ireland. The International Transport Workers Federation has over 4.7 million members worldwide and we have been their Solicitors in Ireland for over 10 years. Our representation has resulted in several ground breaking precedents being set in the Admiralty Courts of Ireland in relation to the arrests of vessels for the non payment of crew’s wages.
We have never lost an action on behalf of the I.T.F and we continue to strive to ensure that the Admiralty Court in Ireland is a strong mechanism for enforcement of worker’s rights.
We also represent seafarers of all categories in personal injury matters that have occurred at sea or at dock and our experience in this area range from death & catastrophic injuries to fractures and less serious injuries. Our firm now has one of the leading admiralty and maritime practices in the country and can provide expert advice on all areas of contentious maritime activity.